Career Series 2023 - Reconnoiter
The Business Students' Union, HKUSTSU

The Business Students’ Union, HKUSTSU is a student-run, non-political and non-profit-making student organization founded in 1991. Being the first school union established in The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, BSU is the sole union representing all students studying in the School of Business and Management (SBM), we are proud to serve over 1600 members today.

We provide a kaleidoscope of academic-based, career-oriented, social and recreational activities and services for our members. Through such activities, we hope to expand the frontiers of students’ knowledge and increase their exposure to the business world as well as to enhance bonding between members. It is the prime goal of the Union to further equip our business students, getting them well-prepared to become the future pillars of our society.

“Career Series 2023” is one of the most representative functions organized by BSU, it aims to provide students with a deeper understanding of the working environment and the recruitment process of different business sectors in Hong Kong. Participants of this function can sharpen their competitive edge and be better equipped to find their niche in the ever-changing business world.
Through providing a series of sub-functions, namely, workshops, seminars, and CV profile overview co-organized with a variety of prestigious firms, we hope that the participants can obtain hands-on experience of planning their future career paths and achieving their career goals. Their soft skills can also be sharpened by interacting with different business leaders. In view of the current outbreak of novel coronavirus, we will hold the sub-functions online if available to reach out the optimal number of participants.

This year, the theme of Career Series 2023 is “Reconnoiter,” which means “to get information about an area or the size and position of enemy forces” . Substantial numbers of students graduate every year, and they face keen competition in seeking jobs. Career Series 2023 serves as the springboard for students to prepare themselves for their careers and to stand out from the crowd.