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Be Our Member

Types of memberships: 

Full/ General Membership (Effective Until Year of Graduation; Applicable to students of School of Business and Management, and students with Interdisciplinary Business-related Program under IPO or admitted into Dual Degree Business-related Program)$250

Associate Membership (Effective throughout Academic Year 2022-2023; Applicable to all Students in HKUST)$90 

Be Our Subcommittee

Types of Subcommittees: 

 Mentoring Program Team 

Subcommittee of the Mentoring Program Team will have a taste of the situation at the real-life corporate world. Meeting business leaders in leading firms such as Big Four allows them to receive first hand sharing of business views. The team will be given an exclusive opportunity to be coached by mentor and mingle with guests from different expertises in the High Table Diner.

Annual Cocktail Session Team

Subcommittee of the ACS Team will receive exclusive opportunities to meet and speak with Senior Management of HKUST Business School, such as our Dean. Networking events will be organised to connect with successful alumni and to help build a long lasting relationship.